Comprehensive treatment for children, adolescents & adults

Dr. Rockmore’s publications

Peer Reviewed Articles

  • Rockmore, L, & Happich, R. (2014). What’s New: Tourette Syndrome and the Psychologist. New Jersey Psychologist. 64(2), 24-26.
  • Flancbaum, M, & Rockmore, L. (2013). Treating Tourette Syndrome: A Broad Yet Specialized Clinical Expertise. The Behavior Therapist. 36(1), 12-13.
  • Flancbaum, M, Rockmore, L, & Franklin, M (2010). Intensive Behavior Therapy for Tics: Implications for clinical practice and overcoming barriers to treatment. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 23(1), 61-69.
  • Hernandez, A, Ruble, C, Rockmore, L, McKay, M, Messam, T, Harris, M, Hope, S (2009). An Integrated Approach to Treating Non-Offending Parents Affected by Sexual Abuse. Social Work in Mental Health. 7(6), 533-535.
  • Shemesh, E, Annunziato, R, Newcorn, J, Rockmore, L, Bierer, L, Cohen, J, Schmeidler, J, Yehuda, R (2006). Assessment of posttraumatic stress symptoms in children who are medically ill and children presenting to a child trauma program. Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 1071, 472-477.
  • Shemesh, E, Yehuda, R, Rockmore, L, Shneider, BL, Emre, S, Bartel, AS, Schmeidler, J, Annunziato, R, Stuber, ML, Newcorn, J (2005). Assessment of depression in medically ill children presenting to pediatric specialty clinics. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Dec; 44 (12), 1249-1257.
  • Shemesh, E, Newcorn, J, Rockmore, L, Shneider, BL, Emre, S, Gelb, BD, Rapaport, R, Noone, SA, Annunziato, R, Schmeidler,, J, Yehuda, R (2005). Comparison of parent and child reports of emotional trauma symptoms in pediatric outpatient settings. Pediatrics. 115 (5), 582-589.
  • Budman, CL, Rockmore, L, & Brunn, RD (2004). Aggressive symptoms and Tourette’s Syndrome. In R. Kurlan (Ed.) Handbook of Tourette’s Syndrome and Related Tic and Behavioral Disorders. Marcel Dekker.
  • Budman, CL & Rockmore, L (2003). Clinical phenomenology of episodic rage in children with Tourette syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 55 (1), 59-65.
  • Budman CL & Feirman L (2001).   The relationship of Tourette Syndrome with its psychiatric comorbidities: Is there an overlap? Psychiatric Annals. 31 (9), 1-8.
  • Budman, CL, Feirman-Rockmore, L, & Brunn, R (2001). The impact of the September 11, 2001 disaster on people with Tourette syndrome and associated disorders. Tourette Syndrome Association Newsletter. Fall.

Book Chapters

  • Rockmore L, Ewbank S, Flancbaum M: Tic Disorders: Clinician Application. In L Grossman & S Walfish (Ed.) Translating Psychological Research into Practice, 2014.
  • Budman CL, Rockmore L, & Brunn RD: Aggressive Symptoms and Tourette’s Syndrome. In R Kurlan (Ed.) Handbook of Tourette’s Syndrome and Related Tic and Behavioral Disorders, 2004.